Your sounds are really well picked, and they stack quite well together. When the house beat dropped in at the 4 minute mark, my mind jumped to adding something choir/orchestral (almost E Nomine-ish) as a layer.
Your sounds are really well picked, and they stack quite well together. When the house beat dropped in at the 4 minute mark, my mind jumped to adding something choir/orchestral (almost E Nomine-ish) as a layer.
I could see that fitting quite well, actually. Nice idea.
Its cool, a good idea would be to play with the audio a little more chop it up and have each segment of quotes have its own levels of reverb and delays. Also it would be awesome to taper a few of them in and out so you get the feel of quotes coming in from the background and moving out of scene. Just a few thoughts. Have fun!
thanks for the input man, a friend of mine suggested the same thing and told me to look into edison. so im sure this wont be the final version
This takes me back to 2004 in a good way, great track dude!
Thanks, man! Glad you liked it!
This really shows a lot of work was put into it, great track.
Thanks man
Its a little too basic but the real problem is the quality of the samples, this has a really cool little crunk to it just needs better samples.
throwback sound bro thanks lol
Theres a bit of mastering needed on the audio to give clearer punches and highs but this track has a really great feel to it.
Thanks :) and yeah I do need to improve my mastering :p glad you liked it!
I can think of only one small thing to make this better other than finishing it. If you were to take some of the {wop} off the kick and aim a little more towards a pure bass and kick I think it would sound a lot better with the great synths you've used. I like it, worth following so keep the tracks coming.
and if you ask me fayo is an ok soda
I wish I could change my user name actually @_@ but ty
This is good stuff, you got a good structure and feel to it just need to up your sounds some, better quality samples and plugins.
Uhuh, cus the more you spend on samplepacks/plugins the better your mixing gets right? :3
No wait a minute, that's not the magical fix at all...
Thanks for listening!
Don't copy me! Just kidding, a little basic but its catchy and clean, I like it.
Haha, thanks. I just wanted to keep it simple. I just liked the riff.