Theres a bit of mastering needed on the audio to give clearer punches and highs but this track has a really great feel to it.
Theres a bit of mastering needed on the audio to give clearer punches and highs but this track has a really great feel to it.
Thanks :) and yeah I do need to improve my mastering :p glad you liked it!
I can think of only one small thing to make this better other than finishing it. If you were to take some of the {wop} off the kick and aim a little more towards a pure bass and kick I think it would sound a lot better with the great synths you've used. I like it, worth following so keep the tracks coming.
and if you ask me fayo is an ok soda
I wish I could change my user name actually @_@ but ty
This is good stuff, you got a good structure and feel to it just need to up your sounds some, better quality samples and plugins.
Uhuh, cus the more you spend on samplepacks/plugins the better your mixing gets right? :3
No wait a minute, that's not the magical fix at all...
Thanks for listening!
Im liking this track a lot, good mix of styles, feel it needs just a touch of mastering to make all the sounds more full but still great. May beelzebub bless you with your next track :)
Don't copy me! Just kidding, a little basic but its catchy and clean, I like it.
Haha, thanks. I just wanted to keep it simple. I just liked the riff.
This is a really chill track. I think you could use a few extra sounds occasionally like some filtered impacts or underwater snares to keep it fresh but absolutely nothing wrong with the way it is now.
Yeah, I see what your saying, this song was very experimental and I'm glad you liked it!
Serious props on the vocals