Haha, it took me a few minutes to realize I was listening to a 48 second loop. This flows awesome. Keep up the great work.
Haha, it took me a few minutes to realize I was listening to a 48 second loop. This flows awesome. Keep up the great work.
Wow, this has potential to be something great. I really think you need to rework this track and master the vocals better. It is repetitive too but honestly I'm really not hating. You're mixing genres in a brilliant way. The chorus was beast the slow dark dub with influence from metal worked great.
ha ha thanks man and thanks for the advise :D
Awwwwww C'mon, that ending, it was just getting good.
I really like the song, its pleasant and soft, the transformation was really nice, but not to sure about the exact sound of the rock/ish instruments with the rest of the song. Really wish there was a few more riffs before it just cut off too.
Vote 4, Stars 3.5
Ahh sorry about the ending, it's cruel, I know. If i were to rerecord it, I'd use all real instruments. Thanks for listening though!
"Happy birthday,
to whoever
I hope I'm not too late"
I was actually digging it up till after this point.
You have a really nice voice and all but I just dont get where this was going.
Put some more work into it and your voice will do you well.
I was thinking about altering the lyrics to ''but you will still be here.''
The idea being that this person is suffering from Alzheimer and is wishing himself a happy birthday, knowing he will no longer recognize himself in the mirror sooner or later.
I really liked where this was going, the beat is bouncy and easy to follow, just threw me off a bit with the range of the vocals. If they hadnt gone in the high pitches it would be much better I think but this is really fresh. Really makes me bob to it.
You're right, it was a bad call on my part. I ran out of samples and didn't want to go find more to rip. Otherwise I'd have continued the mock story.
I liked the beat too though; that turned into my "Dragon Hoary Boar" track :P ramped the bpm up to 140 to make it chiptune dance. Here it's only 100bpm
This is what I call art.
I play alot of Eve and I gotta tell you, this song is perfect for chillin in space floating around in a space ship going pew pew... What I'm trying to say is I love this type of ambient.
Serious props
Story time:
So im cleaning my room while browsing NG for all the new music (trust me cleaning this room is not a small task). So I'm listening to this song and as I go to take a trash bag out I miss one of the steps outside my door and fall right on my face...Then I realize my head is still bobbing to the beat with this and I'm like "damn, this a pretty good song"
True Story
Really though, great song.
Haha That was great story bro